- Conversation Skills with Integrated Tasks B1
- Conversation Skills with Integrated Tasks B2
- Conversation Skills with Integrated Tasks C1
Número de horas: 12 horas de clases presenciales + 8 horas de trabajo en casa
Duración: Del 2 al 11 de julio de 2024.
Nº Alumnos por grupo: mínimo 12, máximo 16
Precio del Curso: Comunidad universitaria: 80 € .
Certificado de asistencia.
Del 11 al 25 de junio de 2024.
- This short course is intended for those who want to practise their communication skills in integrated tasks. The objective of the course is to improve communication skills in English by providing practice in integrated skills activities, which combine reading, writing, listening and speaking, in a way that reflects real-world communication.
The practice schedule is flexible, it can be done at other times, always within the course end dates.
Very often when we use a language, several activities are involved such as reception, production and interaction. Also, in many cases, when we use language it is not just to communicate a message, but rather to develop or respond to an idea or to facilitate understanding and communication.
- Group sessions where the contents of the lesson are introduced.
- Individual and small group activities to carry out integrated skills activities based on the content.
- At the end of the session, the whole class will get together to discuss the main ideas and conclusions.
- The students will carry out tasks such as recording their answers in short videos, giving short presentations, taking part in debates and writing their responses
- To improve communication skills in English by providing practice in integrated skills activities, which combine reading, writing, listening and speaking, in a way that reflects real-world communication.
* Conversation Skills with Integrated Tasks B1:
- MODALIDAD PRESENCIAL: Martes-miércoles-jueves 10:00 a 12:00 horas.
* Conversation Skills with Integrated Tasks B2:
- MODALIDAD PRESENCIAL: Martes-miércoles-jueves 10:00 a 12:00 horas.
- MODALIDAD ONLINE (TEAMS con profesor en tiempo real): Martes-miércoles-jueves 10:00 a 12:00 horas.
* Conversation Skills with Integrated Tasks C1:
- MODALIDAD PRESENCIAL: Martes-miércoles-jueves 10:00 a 12:00 horas.
Requisitos para matricularse:
Curso superado de B1 o B1+ o certificado de competencia lingüística B1
Curso superado de B2 o B2+ o certificado de competencia lingüística B2
Curso superado de C1 o C1+ o certificado de competencia lingüística C1
Prueba de nivel realizada en el CDL con dos años máximo de antiguedad.
Si no dispones de los requisitos tendrás que realizar una prueba de nivel on-line del 19 al 21 de junio. Para solicitar la prueba de nivel, enviar un e-mail entre el 11 y el 14 de junio con vuestros datos (nombre, apellidos y DNI) a